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Photo © Al Tuttle

What is a nest attempt?

A nest attempt is any nest with at least one egg present. You should create a new nest attempt in NestWatch each time a pair begins a new clutch. Once the nest fledges or fails, you should end the attempt by entering the summary information, and clicking “End This Attempt.” Once you have done this, you will again have the option to “Add an Attempt”, which will allow you to create additional attempts for subsequent nestings. Whereas open-cup nests may never be used again, it is particularly important for nest box monitors to recognize each nesting as a unique attempt.

We ask that you not record multiple consecutive nestings under the same attempt. The data from such entries are inaccurate, and therefore, much more difficult to interpret. If you have questions about when it is appropriate to begin a new nesting attempt, please contact us.

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Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology